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Difference between Caller's interest and intent to visit the dealership

There is a big difference between a caller’s interest and intent.In each of the following examples, you can identify both the caller’s interest and intent to visit the dealership.  In the following example, you will see that the caller expressed an interest in visiting the dealership, but she did not state an agreed intent to actually visit, nor did she express the probability or possibility of a visit. Instead, she clearly states that "if" they even decide to agree to a visit, she will let the agent know. In this example, you can identify the fact that she has not decided or agreed to a visit. 

Only interest was expressed, no intent.

Example: "I want to come out, but I need to talk to my husband first, and if we decide to we'll let you know"

Example: "I saw a car I'm interested in on your website, and I was thinking of coming down this weekend if it has everything I'm looking for" | Caller and agent discuss the vehicle, and they find the caller is not interested because of the vehicle's condition | No further information discussed, and no visit agreed to since it is no longer needed or wanted

Example: "I saw a car I'm interested in on your website, and I was thinking of coming down this weekend if it has everything I'm looking for" | Caller and agent discuss the vehicle, and they find the caller is not interested because of the vehicle's condition | No further information discussed, and no visit agreed to since it is no longer needed or wanted
