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Humanatic - Dealership Sales Visit

The purpose of the category Dealership Sales Visit is to determine if the agent or caller attempted to schedule a visit to the dealership.

Here are the options:

Yes, at a specific time or range of time within 1 hour

  • Caller agreed to visit the dealership at a specific date and time
    • Example: "I'm going to come in and take a look at 4:00"
    • Example: "I'll stop by around 3:00 on Saturday"
    • Example: "My husband will probably be there around 10:00"
    • Example: "I'll try to go test drive it at noon"
    • Example: "I'm on my way right now, and I'll be there in just a few minutes"

  • Caller has estimated an amount of time it will take for him or her to arrive, and it falls within a one hour range of time.
    • Example: "I'll come down in 30 minutes if it's still on the lot" | Agent: "I'll check and call you right back"

  • Caller agreed to a visit within a one hour range of time
    • Example: "Yeah, I'll be there in about half an hour"
    • Example: "Yeah, I'll be there in 45-60 minutes"
    • 45-60 minutes is a 15 minute window of time which is within an hour range.

  • Caller agreed to a visit for a loose time, but the agent set it for a firm time.
    • Example: "I can probably be there between 6:00 and 8:00" / "Ok, I'll put you down for 7:00 then"

  • Caller is an unscheduled walk-in who is already on the lot

Yes, at a loose time or range of time exceeding 1 hour

  • Caller agreed to a visit for a soft date and time
    • Example: "I'll stop by sometime today"
    • Example: "My wife will go there Saturday"
    • Example: "I might be there to test drive it this evening"
    • Example: "I get off work 5:00 and I'll come by after that"
    • Example: "I'll get there sometime before 3:00"
    • Before 3:00 represents any time leading up to 3:00.
    • Example: "I'm heading your way now"
    • Unlessess the caller specifies how long it will take for him or her to arrive, we cannot assume this information, and it cannot be assumed that it will fall within a one hour range of time.

  • Caller agreed to visit the dealership, but the caller approximates a time frame that is longer than a one hour range
    • Example: "I'll be there tonight between 7:00 and 9:00"

  • Caller says he or she will be coming in to take a look but did not specify when
    • Example: "I'll come by"
    • Example: "I'll try and stop by soon"

  • Caller agreed to visit the dealership even though he or she needs follow up information
    • Example: "I'm going to come down this weekend, but before I do, will you send me some additional pictures of that truck?"
    • Example: "If you can get your manager to bring that price down, I'll come in tonight"
    • Example: "I will come down tonight if it's still available" | Agent: "Let me check to see if it's still available, and I'll call you back"

  • Caller agreed to a possible visit
    • Example: "Maybe I'll come take a look at it later"
    • Example: "I'll go take a look at it if I get a chance"
    • Example: "If I get off work early, I'll stop in"
    • Example: "If Idon't find anything else, I'll swing by this weekend"

No, visit requested/mentioned but no agreement

  • Agent requested/mentioned the caller visiting the dealership but the caller did not respond to what was requested/mentioned
  • Caller declined the agent's request for him or her to visit the dealership
  • Caller expressed an interest in visiting the dealership, but neither the caller nor the agent confirmed or agreed to a visit
    • Example: "I want to come out, but I need to talk to my husband first, and if we decide to we'll let you know"
    • Example: "I saw a car I'm interested in on your website, and I was thinking of coming down this weekend if it has everything I'm looking for" | Caller and agent discuss the vehicle, and they find the caller is not interested because of the vehicle's condition | No further information discussed, and no visit agreed to since it is no longer needed or wanted

No, a new visit was not discussed

  • Caller represented an inventory sales opportunity, but no visit to the dealership was requested/mentioned
  • Agent asked the caller's location but no visit to the dealership was requested/mentioned
  • Caller mentions he lives out of state and no visit to the dealership was requested/mentioned
  • Caller asks about delivery/shipping but no visit to the dealership was requested/mentioned
  • Caller clearly mentioned that he or she already has an existing visit scheduled and he or she is now calling to discuss additional details or reschedule the upcoming appointment
  • For it to be considered an existing appointment, the caller should clearly indicate that he or she already has an existing visit scheduled
    • Example: "I have an appointment set for 1:00 today, but I was wondering if you could give me a few more details about that car"
    • Example: "I'm scheduled to come down this afternoon, but I have a few more questions before I test drive the car"
    • Example: "I'm supposed to meet with my sales agent today to look at that truck"
    • There is a difference between a clearly established existing appointment and someone simply claiming that they were already planning to come in.

  • NOT an existing appointment: "I am coming down today and I had a few questions about the car I'm coming to see"
  • NOT an existing appointment: "I was planning to be there this morning but I was wondering if you could give me a few more details about the van"

Correction: not an inventory sales conversation

  • Call does not represent an inventory sales opportunity for buying, selling, or trading in a vehicle
  • You can reference the instructions for the upstream category Inventory Discussion if you need assistance in understanding what qualifies as an inventory sales conversation
  • Caller mentioned that he or she already has an existing visit scheduled, but he or she is canceling because they are no longer in the market
  • Call was not handled by a live, qualified employee/agent
