How to mind your own business and not give advices or suggestions. Here are some tips for minding your own business and avoiding giving unsolicited advice or suggestions: Listen actively : When someone is speaking to you, focus on actively listening to what they're saying without thinking about how you can give them advice or suggestions. Try to understand their perspective and ask questions if needed to clarify your understanding. Recognize your boundaries : Be aware of your own limitations and remember that everyone has their own unique experiences and perspectives. You may not have all the information or context needed to offer helpful advice or suggestions, so it's important to recognize when it's not your place to comment. Respect others' autonomy : It's important to remember that ultimately, it's up to each individual to make their own decisions and choices. Respect their autonomy and trust that they are capable of making their own choices without your inp...
All about anything. I would like to share anything that may be useful or helpful